Enter the input data for your project into the yellow cells below. When finished, click on the “Total Cost of Ownership Summary” tab to view the cost savings and ROI realized with the Vaporgard LED luminaire

# Design Parameter Input Data
1 Current Lamp Source Power Usage ( Watts)
2 Replacement Lamp Source Power Usage ( Watts)
3 What is the current quantity of luminaires? (#)
4 What is the replacement quantity of luminaires LED? (#)
5 Enter a cost of the existing luminaire ($ each)
6 Cost of replacement lamps in ($)
7 Cost of disposal per lamp ($)
8 Time per fixture for lamp maintenance (Hours)
9 How many people are required for lamp maintenance ? (#)
10 Enter the labor rate ($ per Hour)
11 What is the energy cost on site ? ( $ / kWhr )
12 Enter lighting hours of operation per day (12, 24 etc) (#)
13 Enter lighting Days of operation per week (5, 7 etc) (#)
14 Enter lighting weeks of operation per year (48, 52 etc) (#)
15 LED Total Luminaire Cost
16 Lift Rental, Scaffolding Costs, Contractor Costs, Ect
17 Estimated Tax Rebate Per Fixture (If Available)


Be sure replacement time includes time for approvals, down time, paperwork, lock out tag out, man lift, etc.

Use the fully loaded labor rate

Many Harsh and Hazardous locations require 2 person teams